Sunday, 22 April 2012

The end of the project: a final message from Antlers

Thank you everyone for reading Pom's adventures over the last few months or so. Unfortunately, he has gone missing in the post and efforts to trace him are unlikely to be successful. It is no one's fault and these things happen. However, I have therefore made the decision to suspend this project indefinitely. Amongst other issues, real life has also become busier recently and I no longer have the time to run this blog that I once did.

My sincerest apologies to those who volunteered to host Pom, and will now not have the oppurtunity - I promise any data you sent me is still safe, and has just been deleted. This will remain my biggest regret - that and Pom never actually getting to go to Greggs, or buy naice ham and even visit the IofW. I hope wherver he ends up he is loved and looked after. I thorougly enjoyed co-ordinating this and I still can't believe my idea took on the life it did. Once again, thank you to the people who did the work and actually brought this to life - everyone who has hosted, cheered and supported Pom on his various adventures.

All the best,

AntlersInAllofMyDecorating (I used to be FermittheKrog - and I am now under a new MNname) 

(There is the possibility of one final entry from his last hostess - I will leave that up to her. As I've said, it's no one's fault he went missing, and each and every hostess did a fantastic job.)